Tunney’s Pasture is a 49 hectare tract of federally owned land located in the western edge of Ottawa’s downtown core. Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) is responsible for the strategic management of Tunney’s Pasture and is collaborating with Canada Lands Company to realize the site’s transformation as envisioned in the Tunney’s Pasture Master Plan (2014).
Canada Lands Company (CLC) and PSPC are working together, in consultation with Indigenous Peoples, landowners, and stakeholders to establish a vision for the site, which is expected to transition over the next 25 years from a single-use employment centre into a transit-oriented and sustainable mixed-use community that is integrated with surrounding neighbourhoods.
The Canada Lands Company is a self-financing federal Crown corporation that reports to the Minister of Public Services and Procurement. The company’s mission is largely commercial while incorporating sustainability and some affordability into their developments. The company’s real estate arm typically purchases “surplus” Government of Canada property at fair market value, master plans the property which includes consultation with the community and civic officials, makes applications for planning approvals from the governing municipality and develops and sells the property.
The Canada Lands Company is a significant revenue generator for the Federal Government. According to the Canada Lands Company 2021 Annual Report, during fiscal years 2018/19-2020/21, the company generated a $285 million profit and the proceeds to the Federal Government during this period amounted to $165 million.
More about Canada Lands Company
The CBA Campaign
The OCBN is advocating to Canada Lands Company, PSPC and the City for a CBA outcome on the Tunney’s Pasture and Confederation Heights (see below) developments. The OCBN has conducted CBA outreach to the adjacent communities through Neighbours for Tunney’s,the Kitchissippi 9 representing the nine community associations in Ward 13 and individual community voices. OCBN is also a member of the Tunney’s Pasture project Community Perspectives Group (CPG).