
Confederation Heights is a 188 hectare tract of federally owned land located roughly five kilometres south of Ottawa’s downtown and 4.5 kilometres north of the airport. It includes buildings and lands owned by PSPC, the NCC, Canada Post Corporation, Health Canada, and the City of Ottawa. Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) is collaborating with the Canada Lands Company to develop a comprehensive Master Plan. This process involves consultation with Indigenous Peoples, landowners, and a broad range of stakeholders.


The consultations so far have focused on the project vision and guiding principles.  Discussions have started on making Confederation Heights a vibrant place to live, work and play with a design that will integrate a mix of uses and public spaces to transform the site into a complete, climate resilient and well-connected community.


The CBA Campaign


The OCBN is advocating to Canada Lands Company, PSPC and the City for a CBA outcome on Confederation Heights. Aside from advocacy to Canada Lands and PSPC, OCBN is consulting with the local communities. An initial CBA virtual Town Hall was held in June, OCBN is also a member of the Confederation Heights Project Advisory Committee (PAC).