
Located at the edge of Lebreton Flats, the Ādisōke-Ottawa Public Library (OPL) and Library and Archives Canada (LAC) Joint Facility Project will be a landmark destination and gathering place for Ottawa residents, Canadians and international visitors to learn, discover and create. The 220,000 sq.ft. facility opens to the public in 2026 and is expected to see more than 1.7M visitors annually.

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The CBA Campaign

Starting in  the Spring of 2020,  OCBN has developed a collaborative working relationship with the Ādisōke project management team, including representatives from the City and Library and Archives Canada. A CBA working group was struck to help focus and coordinate this effort. Meetings and a workshop led to a commitment from the project management team to explore how Ottawa social enterprises could collaborate in providing food services for the facility. The plan of how this will happen is being led by the Community Foundation of Ottawa.


OCBN has also participated in preliminary discussions regarding workforce development initiatives in the construction phase of the project. The Ādisōke team is to be commended for embracing the concept of stretching the economic benefits of the project through a CBA lens.

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