Building a healthy, diverse and inclusive Ottawa

Ottawa is undergoing significant development. Billions will be spent on building and infrastructure projects over the next 10-20 years. Community Benefits Agreements are proven platforms for community building, optimizing social and economic benefit outcomes and accountability. CBAs are relevant more than ever considering the challenges we face with regard to affordable housing and affordable commercial space, grocery access, decent jobs for all, parks and green space. We need your voice to advocate for these  development projects to include Community Benefits Agreements. The power to make change is in your hands.

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Community Benefits Agreements (CBAs)

A CBA is an agreement, typically involving developers of infrastructure and building projects, municipal or other governments, and community coalitions, intended to achieve a broad range of socio-economic outcomes from infrastructure and building projects. CBAs can range from legally binding to voluntary agreements. There are over 400 CBAs in place or being negotiated  in North America. The cities of Toronto and Vancouver have CBA policies and programs. The CBA benefits streams include: workforce development in the skilled construction trades, local hiring, hiring and apprenticeship opportunities for equity deserving citizens, local procurement including from social enterprises, childcare facilities, community hub facilities and parks.

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The Ottawa Community Benefits Network

The OCBN was formed in 2019 with the mission to apply Community Benefits Agreements to public and private developments in Ottawa as a platform to help build inclusive, equitable, diverse, healthy and sustainable communities.  The OCBN includes  31 member organizations and, together, its members and constituencies number in the tens of thousands. The OCBN is governed through an elected steering committee under the auspices of its Bylaws.

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OCBN Membership List

OCBN Steering Committee Members

Our CBA Campaigns

The OCBN does its work through project specific CBA campaigns as well as general outreach and advocacy. Much of the current and future development in Ottawa is on public land, i.e., our land, of which large swaths will be privatized.  


The Ottawa Community Benefits Network is grateful for the funding support from the Community Foundation of Ottawa, United Way East Ontario, the Provincial Building & Construction Trades Council of Ontario, the McConnell Foundation, the City of Ottawa and our members.
